Finding the right small group health insurance plan for a growing small business can be tricky.  Intercon Health has excellent group health insurance plans that make sense for Dallas small businesses. Plans are complicated, and there are numerous options that the carriers do not fully explain.  That’s why we offer our clients expert knowledge of the many different group health insurance plans for Dallas small businesses.


As a business owner, you have a direction in mind, and you know how to get there.  It’s our job to support your business with the right plan.  Our agents take the time to listen, and fully understand your business situation.  We’ll gladly do an analysis of your current policy to identify whether your health coverage needs are fully addressed.


Our goal is to help small businesses receive group health insurance that makes business sense, and offer group members peace of mind.  We compare plans and rates form all the major health insurance carriers, giving your business tailor-made coverage at a competitive price.


If you’re comparing plans for group health insurance business, please call us at 972.386.7787 to speak with an Intercon Heatlh agent specialized in Texas group health insurance and benefits.


Intercon Health offers Texas Small Business Health Insurance Plans from the Following Carriers:



      Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas



